
  • 10. 루프(반복문)을 빠져 나오는 방법!
    program_language 및 궁금한것/Java 2019. 4. 22. 17:26

    while문을 빠져 나오는 방법

     return; <-- 메소드 종료
     break; <-- switch와 반복문 종료
     continue;  <-- 반복문을 계속 진행한다.
     for문(증감자를 거친 조건문), while(조건식으로), do~while(조건식으로)


    valid Check: 유효성 검사라고 한다.



    api문서에서 Deprecated가 있는것은 권장하지 않는다.라는 뜻이다.

    api문서 참고 ~! 

    x The character x
    \\ The backslash character
    \0n The character with octal value 0n (0 <= n <= 7)
    \0nn The character with octal value 0nn (0 <= n <= 7)
    \0mnn The character with octal value 0mnn (0 <= m <= 3, 0 <= n <= 7)
    \xhh The character with hexadecimal value 0xhh
    \uhhhh The character with hexadecimal value 0xhhhh
    \x{h...h} The character with hexadecimal value 0xh...h (Character.MIN_CODE_POINT  <= 0xh...h <=  Character.MAX_CODE_POINT)
    \t The tab character ('\u0009')
    \n The newline (line feed) character ('\u000A')
    \r The carriage-return character ('\u000D')
    \f The form-feed character ('\u000C')
    \a The alert (bell) character ('\u0007')
    \e The escape character ('\u001B')
    \cx The control character corresponding to x
    [abc] a, b, or c (simple class)
    [^abc] Any character except a, b, or c (negation)
    [a-zA-Z] a through z or A through Z, inclusive (range)
    [a-d[m-p]] a through d, or m through p: [a-dm-p] (union)
    [a-z&&[def]] d, e, or f (intersection)
    [a-z&&[^bc]] a through z, except for b and c: [ad-z] (subtraction)
    [a-z&&[^m-p]] a through z, and not m through p: [a-lq-z](subtraction)
    . Any character (may or may not match line terminators)
    \d A digit: [0-9]
    \D A non-digit: [^0-9]
    \s A whitespace character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]
    \S A non-whitespace character: [^\s]
    \w A word character: [a-zA-Z_0-9]
    \W A non-word character: [^\w]
    \p{Lower} A lower-case alphabetic character: [a-z]
    \p{Upper} An upper-case alphabetic character:[A-Z]
    \p{ASCII} All ASCII:[\x00-\x7F]
    \p{Alpha} An alphabetic character:[\p{Lower}\p{Upper}]
    \p{Digit} A decimal digit: [0-9]
    \p{Alnum} An alphanumeric character:[\p{Alpha}\p{Digit}]
    \p{Punct} Punctuation: One of !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
    \p{Graph} A visible character: [\p{Alnum}\p{Punct}]
    \p{Print} A printable character: [\p{Graph}\x20]
    \p{Blank} A space or a tab: [ \t]
    \p{Cntrl} A control character: [\x00-\x1F\x7F]
    \p{XDigit} A hexadecimal digit: [0-9a-fA-F]
    \p{Space} A whitespace character: [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]
    		String id = "jinsil1106";
    		// 아이디는 8~12자리 입니다. 영문자와 숫자 조합입니다.
    		String idPattern = "[A-z0-9]{8,12}"; // 문자열 길이가 최소 8~12
    		// {8,12} 8이상 12 이하{8, }: 최소 8이상 {8} : 8번
    		System.out.println("아이디체크: " + id.matches(idPattern));
    		String juminBunho = "960309-3012345";
    		String juminPattern =  "[\\d]{6}-[\\d]{7}"; // <-- \사용시 \\를 써주면 역슬래시로 봐준다. 아니라면 문자열로 봄
    		System.out.println("주민번호 체크: " + juminBunho.matches(juminPattern));


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